Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July Update

Wow - it's been a month since I've posted - and what a fun month it's been! We've now had 5 BBQ contests, and we've heard our name called at each contest but 1 (and that one doesn't count, it was too close to home :) ) Our last contest at Marshalltown we got 1st place pork and 3rd overall - what a fun weekend - made the heat more bearable. Mom and Dad came over and visited us at that contest as they have the past couple years. Mom wasn't feeling well, but she was a trooper and even sampled a couple of the categories we turned in.

For our 4th of July weekend, we went up to Waterloo and judged a BBQ contest at Mom and Dad's church then cooked pork loin and beans for 250 people. It was a good time despite the soggy conditions and no AC at my parents house!

Our BBQ schedule takes us to the BBQ Field of Dreams in Shannon, IL this weekend. It's a long drive, but it's a one of a kind contest and we are looking forward to seeing some BBQ friends we haven't seen since last year. It's a very tough contest, but we have a good time seeing everyone.